Monday, December 23, 2013

It's all in the packaging...

"Sometimes I think it's more fun to wrap gifts, than to shop for what's inside. It's all about the know the outside, luring you in, making you feel like you must be the most special person on the planet" ~LilyBean

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I love this stamp!

Jennifer McGuire nailed this card using this Hero Arts stamp.

Click through to her blog for a video tutorial!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Remembering Sandy Hook PS

As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School.
We honour them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children. We honour their memory with our service.

Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook.