Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sneak Peek #7 - Tools

QuicKutz, Spellbinders, Alphabet dies, and more!!

The next group of punches I'm still hemming and hawing about... some will be sold, not all :)

Remember everything is a dollar 
unless multiple items are grouped for $1 
or the item is being auctioned.

Auction alert:
Bids start at $5, email your bids directly to me
with the subject line:
Martha Stewart Punch Around the Page Set,
The highest bidder wins!
(Updates will be occasionally posted 
in the comments below this post.)

Not the same one, but you get the idea on it's value here.

1 comment:

  1. OMG that awesome owl punch!!! A dollar?? You are killin me girl! lol!!
